Wednesday, September 3, 2008

You Are With Me

You Are With Me.
In The Black Shaded Night, When celebration Ended,
In The White Shadows,Where something Is Splendid,
You Live "In" My Soul,
Because You Are With Me!

Everyday When I Open My Eyes,
And Shut Them Off,
No One Knows What They Be Seen Next,
But One Thing Is Exact,
You Are With Me!

The Feeling You Give Is Freshness,
Leads The Way To The Happiness,
You Are An Angel Living Inside,
Killing The Pain Outside
You Are With Me!

Always Be With Me My Soul,
You Are Expected Every Moment As A Whole,
Dark Nights Are Standing Ghostly,
And White Days Are Waiting Firmly,
Give Me The Power To Face Them On,
You Are With Me!

It Isn't A Continuous Fight,Because I Am Mortal
I am Assured Of My victory because You Are Immortal
You Are With Me!


Super Kid Sais said...

great poem again!!!

jacqsierae said...

as i slowely read this poem...i had a great longing for soo many different ppl in my life...
ppl i love.
and the most painful longing is the one i have for my daughter. i have lost her somewhere, even though shes with me.
this poem has really touched my heart...

thank you,dear.

Natália said...

i like this poem..!